Mobius’ Start to 2025
Mobi and Haddie have begun the year with a breed win, followed up with a group 4! Mobi defeated over 80 dogs that day, with Haddie by his side and we couldn’t be more proud. The lightness he has on his feet, coupled with beautiful balance in proportions, makes him effortlessly glide over the ground. While he is beautiful to watch in the ring, I think our favorite moments of the show were seeing the spectators, both children and adults, enjoy hugging and petting his teddy bear-like head. He is a lover of people, and we simply step back at dog shows, or any public place for that matter, and watch him draw an adoring crowd.
Haddie will be showing him at the Leonberger Specialty in Madison, WI at the end of February. He will also be getting his eye and heart exam, making steps ever closer to completing his health testing!